Sunday, April 15, 2012

Minnesota Winter 2.0 Script

The second episode to How to Survive a Minnesota Winter
Group Members: John, Jocelyn, Ashley, Sarah, and Kate

Synopsis: For this video, we wanted to continue with the Minnesota winter theme, but change it up a little bit. We shifted gears, making it more of a recap of this past winter, as well as higlight the quirks that all Minnesotans have.

There is music playing the background, slowly fading out for the anchor to begin talking. The anchor, KATE is seated in studio, ready to begin the special news report.
                        Hello, and welcome to the news, bringing you the most accurate and up to date
                        information. Today we are having a special on Minnesota. We will be on location with
                        Minnesota folks, as well as recap the state’s bizarre winter conditions this year.

“On Location” with SARAH, ASHLEY, AND JOCELYN, all speaking in Minnesotan accents.
                        I’m Sarah Sluka, reporting from the exotic wilderness of Minnesota with my fellow
                        northlanders. This winter was a strange one—hardly any snow in Duluth and the
Midwest. Did that upset you?
                        Oh yah. Winter is my favorite season because of the snow. This winter was more
                        disappointing than the Viking’s losing streak.
                        Darn cheese heads stealing our thunder.
                        So you didn’t have to wear as much winter gear this year, did ya?
                        Ohh no. Uff-da, with the weather the way it was, we could’ve all gone swimming
                        in Lake Superior!
                        Since you didn’t have to worry about the weather, what did you do to have fun this
                        We went to the cabin, up the shore, to the bar, and to church.
                        Definitely steer clear of Wisconsin, though. The only reason I ever brave their driving
                       is for apple fest every fall.
                        Oh my gosh! I did that too! Well thank you for chatting with us today. There you have
                        it! E
ven though the weather can be strange, you can always count on the friendly locals
give you the inside scoop. Thanks for watching us today. Back to you, Kate.
Back in the “studio” with KATE
                        It is no secret that Minnesotans have their own way of living. For example, you                         might be a Minnesotan if... vacation means going to Valleyfair. You find twenty
                       degrees belown zero a "little chilly." Your four seasons are: almost winter,
                       deer season, still winter, and road construction.
Now let’s see what a fellow Minnesotan has
                       to say.

Insert video segment – “S**t Minnesotan’s Say”
Back to the “studio” with KATE

                    All of that is so true. Minnesota has many quirks nut the ony thing we can always
                    rely on it the rapid change in weather. Join us again tomorrow night for the most
                   accurate and up to date stories. Goodnight.
Slowly fade music out

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