The Thanks
That Keeps on Giving

“It’s a festive day of togetherness,” said Ruth
Erdmann-Sluka., former senior chair of the Twin Ports Thanksgiving buffet. “People should feel like guests, not like
they’re receiving charity.”
Over the years, the Thanksgiving buffet has transitioned
into a St. Scholastica organized event.
Even though the average cost of the event is around $30,000, only
community donations are accepted and it is not tuition funded.
“Even though the amount of food, and the cost of the event
are high, we utiliaze as many local farmers and suppliers as possible,” said
Jack Teske, Director of Food Services.
“It keeps the event local, and that’s something that we strive for.
On a smaller scale, three to four hundred students at the
College of Saint Scholastica are offered an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner
consisting of about 20 turkeys and 40 bowls of mashed potatoes, along with all
the other expected Thanksgiving fixings.
The dinner takes place at the Greenview Dining Room where students are
able to celebrate with friends that have slowly turned to family.
“When you sat at the table, they asked who wanted to cut the
turkey, or who wanted get the dishes,” said student, Emily Schwantke. “The CSS Benedictine values of community and
hospitality can really be seen in this family style dinner experience.”
Not only have the Benedictine values been reflected on the
college campus, they have also expanded into the surrounding Twin Ports Area,
providing a sense of togetherness during the holiday season.
For more information on volunteering or attending the events
listed above, please visit the CSS website,
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